Dordan Manufacturing's Blog

Contributing writer to Packaging Digest Magazine

Written by Chandler Slavin | Jan 29, 2015 6:02:00 PM


The good news just keeps coming! First of all, thanks to everyone for such a warm reception to the Plastics in Packaging Magazine cover story. My mom took the photo and it was a total blast; she applied powder when I got shinny and pumped my hair when it went flat-- I felt like a little kid again playing dress up.

Second of all, drum roll please (though I assume the title of this post kind of gives it away), BUT I have been asked by the FABULOUS Lisa Pierce, Executive Editor of Packaging Digest Magazine, to be a contributing writer to the publication!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get to come up with my own story ideas and PD will have exclusive rights to the article. I just think that is so cool. This is the first time a non-plastics publication has asked me to write for it. Not that I don't absolutely love my plastics peeps, but it is exciting to get the opportunity to speak to a different audience.

Look out for my first article soon, ish, though I am still waiting for some leads to make the magic happen.