Dordan Manufacturing's Blog

Picture tour: 2014 International Consumer Electronics Show

Written by Chandler Slavin | Jan 13, 2014 8:06:00 PM

Hello and Happy New Year my sustainable packaging friends!

The 2014 International Consumer Electronics Show was a blast, with the exception of a forklift driver running over our booth the night before the Show. But behold! Freeman-- the company contracted with the shipping/logistics for the Show-- literally saved the day, fashioning us two custom aluminum rods AND a shelf mount in a matter of hours. My mind was blown and my faith in humanity restored.

Dordan had a good show; just how good remains to be foreseen. We received lots of consumer electronic packaging inquiries and engaged in some really insightful dialogue. The breathe and scope for which thermoforming can be applied in the context of packaging and products continues to amaze me; we even had one gentleman stop by requesting a thermoformed ear-apparatus component to fashion a smart sensor gizmo thereto, whoa!

Luckily, I got to check out the crazy cool gadgets and technology on display at the Las Vegas Convention Center (Dordan's booth was located in the Venetian Ballroom, womp womp). Check out my favorite innovations and misc. snap shots below, enjoy!

First and foremost, check out Intel's booth, which had these yogis doing cool yoga dance fusion stuff.

Did you know that Intel employs a boy genius? I saw him perform a demo of this 3d augmented reality; apparently he delivered the Intel keynote as well, awesome!

This 2D platform allows you to design in 3D space, perfect for CAD/CAM modeling. Learn more about Intel's "conceptual computing" here.

While the picture doesn't do it justice, below is more of Intel's interactive 3d modeling. Essentially there is a motion detector that records and communicates your activities as you interact with this 3d projected hologram of sorts. Very Minority Report futuristic and cool.

Mmmm next up is the battle of the gigantic beyond reality TVs. Song, Samsung, etc. all had these huge curved TV displays with amazing graphics and clarity. But don't take my word for it, check out the photos below; and please note, these are pictures of pictures-- just imagine what they look like in REAL LIFE.

Babes & TVs...

Amazing clarity Tvs...

Curved TVs...

Bendable TVs...

TVs on TVs on TVs...

And DUAL TVs; that's right, watch two things at once. Or, play a game while the wifey watches a tear jerker!

Next up, a 3D photobooth that 3D prints Star Trek versions of the photographed! AMAZING.

Another big theme at 2014 International CES was smart, well, everything. Here is a smart refrigerator. I wanted to tour through Qualcomm's Smart House but the line was too long.

Tiny cars were quite the rage...

And plastic doors! #PlasticsMakeItPossible

Gibson's tent was rocking:

And the Back to the Future car made a cameo:

And behold, the most innovative development in sustainable technology seen at CES!

That's all folks. My next post will cover the packaging trends observed at International 2014 Consumer Electronics Show; so, stay tuned!

Interested in some of Dordan's consumer electronic packaging solutions? Download our cellphone accessory package redesign case study to learn about Dordan's packaging solutions. And, visit our electronics packaging webpage.