
Dordan in Photos: Celebrating the Year's End

Posted by Chandler Slavin on Dec 30, 2019 2:59:08 PM

While Dordan has made significant investment this year to provide continuous process improvements, 60-years of business has taught us that it is not just the infrastructure of a company that determines its success; its also the people.

Dordan is a family-owned and operated company. Yet, our understanding of family extends beyond the traditional constructs. We embrace all those at Dordan as family, because we are all working towards the same goals of personal, professional, and corporate betterment. Our culture is built on these shared commitments, and with hard work, mutual respect, and integrity, they are made manifest.

We show thanks to our employees with an end-of-the-year celebration. We welcome you to meet some of our family in the photos below.

kel and chan

Above: Sisters Kelsey (left), Finance Administrator, and Chandler, Marketing/Sales, pose before the festivities

danny and kel

Above: Kelsey and her husband, Danny, Quality Manager, very much in love!

chan and dave

Above: Chandler and her fiance, David, Maintenance Technician, are all smiles

aric and dan 2

Above: CEO/President, Daniel (left) with son, Aric, General Manager, after their speech of thanks


Above: Engineers, machinists, operators, sales, and HR staff pose for group selfies in a holiday scavenger hunt


Above: Antonio (far left) and Alberto, brothers and machine technicians, with Danny and son, Daniel Patrick


Above: Wilbur, Maintenance Operations Manager and husband to Al, enjoys a full tummy 

aric and tron

Above: Tron (left), Shipping and Warehousing Manager, tallies the results of the scavenger hunt with Aric

al nestor juan

Above: Nester (left), machinist, Al (center) VP, and Juan (right), Production Manager, feeling fancy

kel and danny

Above: Kelsey and Danny dance to live music performed by several Dordan's employees


Above: Jose (far left), Nestor, Eugenia, Danny, and Irma, tooling and production staff, feeling the holiday spirit

Winning a TV

Above: A big ticket raffle prize presented by Dan (right) and his grandson

anhelica wins-1

Above: Angelica, long-time Dordan veteran, a raffle winner

Wishing you a safe and happy New Year.

From our family to yours,

Dordan Manufacturing, Inc.

Topics: Packaging, Made in America, Manufacturing, family company